Peace In The Tough Times
Do not let your hearts be troubled;
Believe in God and trust in Him, believe in Me and trust in Me also. — John 14:1
Jesus is offering, even promising, His troubled disciples peace; and He would soon deliver on His promise. Jesus reminds His disciples that they can trust Him. His words would have been a voice of calm in the midst of their confusion—and it can be in ours too. The words of this verse were not spoken to tranquil people enjoying a pleasant evening together. Jesus spoke these words to men like Peter who were grief-stricken, troubled and confused. He still speaks these words to us today.
In response to our deepest feelings he gave two thoughts of comfort.
Literally, Jesus was saying, ‘Stop the shuddering and trembling of your heart.’ Heart here speaks of the part of you which makes you ‘you’. In the core of who you are, Jesus says to stop being troubled. It is important to notice that Jesus does not say, ‘Don’t worry, be happy; everything will be just fine.’ He gives us a reason to stop being troubled. He gives us Himself as the reason for our peace.
Jesus doesn’t simply tell us to get over it, or buck up or keep a stiff upper lip. He gives us a starting point for peace—belief and trust. He challenges us to believe in Him and trust in Him the exact same way we have been taught to believe and trust in God. It is as if Jesus is telling us, ‘You will fail, but I never will. Believe in Me and trust in Me during the dark hours and days ahead. I will not fail you or abandon you, even though you will abandon Me. You can trust Me—no matter what you are facing or going through.’ His promise of peace is linked directly to our trust in Him and His ability to bring us through anything.
Believing and trusting in Jesus —
Reverend Randy Sweet