Keeping our discussion on tradition going is our very own Andi (Greenawalt) Sharp. Born and raised among the Hilltop community, Andi has many fond memories and traditions here at Hilltop. One of her favorite memories of her time at Hilltop are the times she spent involved with the Youth Fellowship. She fondly remembers all the numerous things they did covering a wide expanse; for instance they volunteered within their local community, they went on trips and were a close knit group of friends. She stated that she has always loved Hilltop, a place that feels like home to her. Andi finds the traditions that are the backbone of our church a great source of comfort. Currently she sites our events and our revamped Sunday School among her favorite things. Andi stated that she loves the creative events; they are always full of fun, fellowship and friendship. On the subject of our revamped Sunday School she told us what a joy it is to have a quiet, kid-free hour to spend with God. Often she feels that she misses things because of the kids. When asked what she wished we still did at Hilltop her immediate answer was the Sunday School songs! She wants her kids to learn them like she did. As for things that she wishes we, as a church, had available, Andi stated that she would love to see Hilltop helping moms and new mothers. She would love to see an organized outreach for all the moms out there. Andi stated that sometimes as a mom, because of the kids you feel like you’re not fully supported. Andi let us in on a little secret, she, and many of the other moms she knows feel overly stressed out because there is so much pressure on the mom to do everything and that can leave a mom feeling invisible sometimes. Andi thinks it would be awesome if we offered a “Mom’s Night Out” group to share in the joys and stresses of motherhood without the kids! We think that sounds like a great idea here at Hilltop, and encourage her to get that started! We asked Andi where she would like to see the ministry of Hilltop go from here and she very honestly answered she wasn’t sure. She thinks we have many amazing things happening and sometimes it almost feels like too much. Andi suggests maybe focusing on building upon what we have and laying a good foundation so that the amazing things we are already doing can continue throughout the years. Her absolute most memorable moment at Hilltop were the baptisms of her babies. Although she still has a soft spot in her heart for Vacation Bible School. She regaled us with one of her favorite VBS years, in which everything was set up to resemble a biblical time period. They had a carpentry shop, a blacksmith, ate old foods, like lentils, and had to dress every day like you lived in bible times. It was like the bible equivalent to a Renaissance Faire. She said a lot of them wore big t-shirts with rope for a belt. They also made sandals with string and leather. Andi stated that it was intense and awesome! Andi told us she now understands just how much work everyone put into that amazing year after being involved in Vacation Bible School at Hilltop as an Adult. We here at Hilltop feel blessed beyond words to have Andi as part of our church family!